I want to get this started off on the right foot, so there are no confusions or hurt feelings. I am a big fan of creativity. I think it’s so…unique. If you have that creative energy and use it, I tip my hat to you, for you make the world a better place to shuffle around in. Disclaimer finished, let’s ...

Cold calling can be a great way to generate quality leads. You get to speak to the gatekeepers and stakeholders, and you get a great insight into their requirements and influences. But cold calling is an art-form. It can be daunting, it’s always a lot of work, and you always need to make a good impression. So you need to ...

When business owners are looking for a one-stop solution for their daily business needs, they have to look no further than the services provided by a business service franchise. Business services franchises make life more convenient for small business owners by serving many of their needs; and the they have a chance to work and grow with those businesses in ...